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Sublimity: Pathways to Peace meditation

The Illusion of Separation from Nature
Anything we do to the environment we do to ourselves.  The separation we have created between ourselves and nature is an illusion.  We are a part of Nature.

Focus of the Meditation
Connect with the natural world and experience yourself as part of it, as indivisible from it.  Experience yourself as being whole by virtue of connection with the natural world.

Meditation Reflection

Too many distractions surround existence resulting in people veering from their true path and purpose.  A great deal of numbness prevails within human consciousness which needs to be reignited in order for entities to live their calling and their joy.

Nature assists by sending forth signals and opportunities for entities to connect with their Higher-Self.  For some, the signs from Nature are at times too subtle and thus Nature accommodates the need for more pronounced signals in order to awaken the slumber of the masses.  Recent examples of such signals have manifested through the upheavals caused by earthquakes, extreme floods and the like.  Thus Nature serves a crucial role in reawakening entities to their true selves.  Nature is ever the mirror of human emotions and needs.

Bless Nature for all that it takes upon itself to generously serve the needs and wants of humankind.
