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Monthly Program



Releasing fears is the theme for the November meditations. Fears act as a constraint that harnesses and confines us from living in peace and joy.  We all have fears of one sort or another.  Some are obvious to us while others lie more subtly buried within us hidden from direct view.  Our worries and anxieties are not just about ourselves but are sometimes also about our environment and global community.  Whether we are fully aware of our fears or not, nevertheless they are a potent force in our lives.  Fears control our attitudes, beliefs and behaviours.

This month’s meditations give you an opportunity to bring into your conscious mind and to explore the fears that have been controlling you.  Ironically, you may find that you have become so comfortable living with a particular fear that you resist letting it go for what will take its place?

The meditations can be done in whichever order you wish. Select the one you are drawn to at any given time; repeat any of them as often as you like.  However, you are encouraged to try all of them since together they form a cohesive framework for movement towards shedding fears.

May your exploration of fears help you outgrow them!

Reflections on Release of Fears

The conscious mind conjures up all manner of phantoms and images that stop us dead in our tracks from stepping out into that which is perceived as “risky".  The unchartered waters are resisted in favour of the known even if the know is the cause of distress or dissatisfaction.  Allow yourself to find new shores.

Liberty from fear is available to all who seek to be freed.  Are you truly seeking release from fears?  What holds you back?  Look closely at the fears you have identified and you will see that your mind has enlarged them to the point of incapacitating you from moving forward.  Being in the grip of fear is a choice.  Be aware of what you are choosing and its impact.


Step out of your Fear and into Confidence!

To break the hold that your personal fears have on your life, during the meditation focus on letting go of a specific fear you have carried around for a long time that you feel ready to release.  As you meditate, allow yourself to fully experience how that particular fear makes you feel, how it impacts your life, and how it has been limiting your life. Reflect also on what you have learned about yourself from that particular fear.  Then with gentleness and peacefulness, release that fear; see it as something that no longer serves your purpose.  See the constraints that this fear has produced in your life as no longer useful to you and end your meditation by experiencing the freedom that comes from letting go of your fear.  With joy, welcome yourself to your fear-free state!

Dissolve Fears about the Future of the Environment

The Environment has experienced so many stresses and breaking points and it is understandable that we worry about our ecosystem.  Let us replace the anxiety with intentions for the health of the Environment.  During the meditation put forth intentions for respectful interactions between us and Nature and for the rejuvenation and sustainability of the Environment.  Each time you do this meditation you are offering Nature a blessing!

Shift your view on Global Circumstances

At one time or another we may find ourselves in the grip of anxiety about any number of global issues such as for instance:  poverty, population overgrowth in certain global locations, human rights, justice and peace, or other similar worries.  During the meditation focus on acceptance of all that presents for all circumstances and events are opportunities for us to individually and collectively evolve in our mastery of compassion and the peaceful way in how we respond to all situations.