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Monthly Program



This month’s meditations focus on the idea that all is in its perfection.  This means that all the wonderful experiences you may be living and all the struggles you may be facing are just as things should be!  At the community level and globally, when the turn of events is troubling or devastating, here again, we must remember that things happen for a reason and that all occurrences bring lessons and insights.  Although we may not always feel that way, everything we create and experience is a blessing!  Viewed from the widest perspective therefore, all is on track or perfect.

Reflections on Perfection

Essentially, all that presents is in its perfection because it is a catalyst for movement to occur in the direction of our growth, development and Enlightenment.  Experiences come into our life to challenge us to learn to respond in more positive ways than pride, envy, judgement, anger, and other negative-based reactions.  As we evolve we learn that these ways of dealing with situations that present in our lives do not serve us well compared to responses based on compassion, forgiveness, loving-kindness and tolerance.

However, berating the self for negative behaviour does not hasten advancement to more positive outlooks on the play of life.  Movement comes about gently when a person is, without pressure ready to be other than he/she is currently.  The shift is such that a person finds themselves in a place where he/she cannot conceive of having any response other than a tolerant one in relation to what presents.  Thus what is called for is not the internal telling-off but rather, on-going careful, non-judgemental observation of the self and self-reflection regarding reactions.  Practice self-awareness and patience with the self.


It’s All a Blessing!

As you enter the meditation, repeat to yourself that everything that exits is a blessing. Be aware of the insights that come to you either during or in the days that follow this meditation.  You will gain a new outlook on life by perceiving all as a blessing and setting aside judgements. You may wish to begin and close your meditation by playing a crystal singing bowl if you have one or a CD of crystal bowl sound or other meditation music.

Your Feelings are Perfect!

All too often we judge our feelings as good or bad. We sometimes work very hard to squash down certain feeling.  We have a hard time believing that all is perfect with whatever our feelings happen to be.  This is because we lose sight of the fact that everything we think, feel and experience is an opportunity for us to raise our self-awareness, to raise our Consciousness and to learn and grow through what we live through. As such, whatever you think and feel is perfect for your needs at this time!  During the meditation, contemplate the following about feelings:

All of us have suppressed much. We have not allowed ourselves to cry and laugh; we have not allowed ourselves to run and play and dance either.  We have suppressed everything.  We have closed all our doors from inside, and we have become our own prisoners and guards . . . Let them come out, and let them be washed away. All that is significant and beautiful in life flows from emotions, from feeling.

Source: In Search of the Miraculous

Contemplating the Perfection of Nature

Everything about the workings of Nature is utterly flawless, utterly magnificent and utterly magical!  The cycles of Nature, the interdependence of Nature, and the life giving force of Nature are without question perfect.  During the meditation, repeat to yourself the phrase: Nature is perfect in every way.  Observe the powerfully joyful feeling this knowing instills in you.  By acknowledging the perfection of Nature we also honour and bless her!  You may wish to begin and close this meditation by drumming or playing a crystal singing bowl if you have one or a CD of the same.

The Perfection of Global Lessons

All that unfolds on the world’s stage takes place to help us gain awareness of spiritual virtues. As such it is perfect.  By observing the unfoldment that takes place, we learn.  When the impact of societal decisions and actions results in disharmony, inequity, and injustice, eventually we come to a place of being ready to seek out values and ethics that enable us to live more harmoniously together.  During this meditation focus your intentions on global spiritual enlightenment to guide future decisions and actions.