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Guided Visualizations


(Adapted from Meditations for Self-Discovery by Shepherd Hoodwin)

This Sublimity: Pathways to Peace meditation is designed to help you regenerate and be centered.

Begin by taking three deep breaths in and holding each for five seconds and then exhaling:  breath in, hold it, and breath out; breath in, hold it, and breath out; and one more deep breath in, hold it and release.  Relax every part of your body starting with your feet, working your way up to your head, notice if your shoulders are arched or tense, and relax them. Put aside the cares of the day.

Now visualize in your solar plexus a great rechargeable battery. Picture a beam of light as powerful as the energy of the sun, directing itself at your rechargeable battery. Feel the battery receiving this energy and being charge by it. As your battery absorbs the Light its colour changes to that of the sun. When that process is completed, go through your body starting with your toes, moving up your feet, your legs, your lower body, your chest, your throat, your face to the top of your head and visualize the energy being absorbed into your body from the recharged battery.

Notice how relaxed yet invigorated your body feels. Notice how that infusion of light is affecting your emotions. Notice how the light is affecting your thoughts. Do you feel an incredible lightness of being? Do you feel renewed? Do you feel ready to face whatever situation or circumstance is currently before you in your life?

Bring your visualization to a close by smiling. Hold your smile for at least 2 minutes. Now take a deep breath in from your nostrils and exhale from your mouth. Repeat this three times, allowing your intake breath to go deep into your belly each time.