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Guided Visualizations


Sit in a comfortable position in a quite space whether indoors or outdoors.  Take a few deep breaths, holding your breath for a moment then releasing it.  Set aside for now the cares of the day, clear your mind from whatever is preoccupying it.

Identify a person or situation in your life about which you have built up a wall as a way to protect yourself from what you perceive to be their negativity. Experience in your body how you feel when you think about that person or that situation.  Bring forward the types of emotions that this person or situation typically elicits in you. Notice how your body is responding as well.  Observe any tightness in your body.  Observe the dialogue that may be taking place in your head regarding the person or situation.  Take a good close look at how you are responding to the person or situation.  Take the time to fully experience the range of emotions and sensations that are coming to the surface.  Don’t fight them, don’t judge them, let them out, every last one, however uncharitable or unkind you may think they are, let them out however aggressive they may feel to you.  This is not the time to resist or hold back. There will be time to transform those feelings during the second half of the meditation. 

Now ask for guidance from your Higher-Self/Inner-Wisdom to bring into your awareness a shift in perspective on the person or situation by asking the question, what lesson does this person or situation offer me in my life?  What can I learn from this person or situation?  Contemplate the opportunities that this person or situation has/had to offer for your growth.  Allow for the wall you have built to come down, allow your resistance to dissolve in order to truly and fully see what the person or situation is bringing into your life that can create movement forward for you.  It is not about putting up with the negativity that the person or situation brings into your life.  It’s about how to move through and past it for then will it cease to have power over you.  Once the lesson is learned, the sting of negativity becomes harmless to you – it is like you become immune to it!

Become aware of any shifts in your energy as a result of breaking through the wall of resistance and the insights you have gained from the meditation about the learning available from the negative person or situation.  Have your emotions changed with the shift in perception?  Observe now your internal dialogue.  Is it lighter?  Do you feel renewed with the awareness that has come to you?

Bring your meditation to a close by thanking your Higher-Self/Inner-Wisdom for bringing into your awareness the new perspective you gained during the meditation.