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Monthly Program



Focusing on healing the heart is a good place to start the New Year!  Checking in with our heart and how it feels in order to gain awareness of the heart’s condition gives us insight into the extent to which we are light or heavy hearted.  The positive energy that can flow through you and emanate from you depends on the degree to which you carry a light heart within you.  The same is true of the collective heart of the communities/countries we inhabit and the natural environment that surrounds us.

The meditations can be done in whichever order you wish. Select the one you are drawn to at any given time; repeat any of them as often as you like.  However, you are encouraged to try all of them since together they form a cohesive framework for healing the heart.

Reflections on Healing Your Heart

Cherishing the heart and looking after the heart is vital to proper self-care.  Healing the heart from emotional scars brings renewal and greater flow of energy to benefit self and others.  Preparing the heart to both give and receive openly and freely requires clearing grudges, hurts and resentments for these are like a plaque obstructing the pure nature of a true heart.  Releasing and healing allows for a lighter heart; one that is energetic.

The weariness that people experience is sometimes due to a heavy heart.  Tune into the state of your heart to become aware of any blockages standing in the way of an open heart.

Consider, what is an open heart?  An open heart is clear on boundaries as distinct from setting up barriers – there is indeed a difference between these two.

Send your heart love, send Nature love, and send the globe love, all with the intent of lightening the spirit of all.


Tuning into the State of your Heart

During the meditation connect with your heart and ask it to show you what you may be holding on to that is causing you a heavy heart, creating a burden that needs to be released.  Allow yourself to become as aware as possible of any and all sensations associated with the condition of your heart.  Do not judge yourself or try to address what you uncover during this meditation.  The aim for this meditation is to observe the heart and to be fully aware of what needs clearing.  When you finish the meditation, write down your observations, listing the heart’s burdens.  This step will help you to address the healing of each item through the next meditation on “Tending to your Heart”.

Tending to your Heart

Send your heart love and tenderness, focussing on releasing and healing that which weighs on your heart.  Each meditation should focus on one aspect identified from the meditation above on “Tuning into the State of your Heart”.  During the meditation visualize yourself as light hearted; be aware of how that feels for you and the sense of renewal it gives you.  See yourself as having successfully released your heart’s burdens and celebrate this new state of light heartedness.  To reinforce this meditation you can put together a collage of images, cut out from magazines or drawn by you, that communicates to you what your new state of light heartedness enables you to be and do – how you are different as a result of a healed heart and how your life will be different.  Place your collage somewhere that you can see daily as a reminder of your new state and allow yourself to be uplifted by it each time you see it. (Each time you do this meditation, prepare a separate collage for the burden you focussed on for healing.)

Healing the Heart of Nature on Each Continent

Each meditation focus on one of the seven continent, selecting a different continent for each meditation, and send the natural environment on that continent love and blessings to assist Nature to cleans and rejuvenate thereby becoming more solid at the core to weather the upheavals it experiences.

Healing the Heart of Each Continent

Each meditation focus on one of the seven continent, selecting a different continent for each meditation, and send that continent love and blessings to assist it to healing conflicts and concerns that lie at the heart of the collective consciousness of its people bringing about the necessary shifts in attitudes and behaviours that will result in healing and renewal.