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Sublimity: Pathways to Peace meditation

Building Trust between Countries and Nations

For there to be global peace, harmony, collaboration or partnership between countries and nations there has to be a willingness to trust each other.  The same holds true for different communities of interest within the same geographic area.  E.G. of a couple of typical global issues that have been around for a long time and threaten the well being of all:  land claim rights – virtually universal around the globe; and nuclear power build up and nuclear disarmament.  Those are the types of global issues for which trust is at the heart of the solution.

It is only through more trust that we can hope to save the planet and all forms of life on it.  Building up trust can help us to have more equitable sharing of prosperity and the good life between and among countries, nations or different geographic regions.

During the meditation we don't have to think up how that trust is to take place or what approach is best for trust between countries and nations.  Our role is to put forth the intention for more trust.  Our job if you like is to believe in miracles – in this case that the miracle of trust will come to be through our collective intentions.

Focus of the Meditation

Putting forth our intentions for more trust to develop between countries, nations, and different communities of interest for the purpose of bringing about more collective harmony, global sustainability and ultimately collective peace.

Meditation Reflection

Our world is in critical need of much goodwill between its peoples for through goodwill can there be movement towards greater breaking-down of the perception that different parts of the globe are different or distinct the one from the other. It is sadly this clinging to identity and separateness that keeps countries from greater collaborations.  And when there is collaboration it is accompanied by so many rules and requirements designed to ensure that each country retains its identity and sense of nationhood.  Much fear exists in regard to laying down the notion of distinctness.  Too much value is placed on differentiation.  To live otherwise is unchartered on your Earth plane.

The need for greater trust also helps with an understanding of abundance – all can be fed and all can have access to water and all can find harmony without borders, without hording of resources and without the need to see the other as suspect or as countries from which to seek protection.

Keep to the path of trust and consider its place in your patterns of thinking and behaving as a citizen and part of a country.
