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Sublimity: Pathways to Peace meditation

The Oneness of Experience
One of our greatest challenges seems to be the concept of oneness.  We still have difficulty in responding to life from a place of realization that no matter the differences in culture, religion, laws, and geography, we are ultimately all part of the same whole.  That the separations and divisions are created by our minds is a struggle to fathom especially when we observe our neighbour, our friend or the politics of another country as unacceptable according to our standard of expectations.

Focus for the Meditation:
Let us put forth our intentions towards individual and collective awakening to the oneness of experience and for societies to respond to each other from a place of greater awareness of our oneness.

Meditation Reflection

Oneness is less of a complex mystery than it is perceived to be.  Think of Oneness as a stew wherein you can make out the individual ingredients, the herbs, the flavours, each distinct and separate and yet contributing to the totality of the experience of the stew.  Thus when you struggle to accept an entity or a position put forth, remember that they play a part in the collective experience of your existence.  This does not mean that all points of view and behaviours are to be embraced.  Rather that those aspects of existence which you experience as undesirable are to be acknowledged for their contribution to the whole.

The blessings that surround you are essentially understood in relation to the contrasting experiences of strife and discomfort.  Everything that ever was and ever will be is essential to complete the human experience.  Erase any, pull out any, and a hole exists.  All is in its perfection.  The individual pieces of a puzzle create the Wholeness, the Oneness.

Observe your thoughts to determine whether you are energized by them.  All is energy.
