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Sublimity: Pathways to Peace meditation

Supporting Community Leaders Working for Peace

The world over one can find many examples of community leaders who are devoted to bringing about positive change through peaceful means.  There are politicians, former politicians, environmentalists, advocates for human rights, individuals who are sticking their necks out with tireless persistence to shine a light on one issue or another that revolves around oppression, inequity, poverty, degradation, abuse and on it goes.

These community leaders are a remarkable example of not judging outcomes as a condition for continued action.  They never give up, they never allow themselves to walk away because the problem is too massive and the hostilities and resistance by the Establishment are too great. No! On the contrary they focus on the work at hand.  They focus on plugging on.

We want more and more such community leaders who tirelessly put forth their efforts from a place of peace.

Focus of the Meditation

Sending forth intentions to support those community leaders who are trying to address world issues through non-aggressive and non-violent approaches.  Think of it as cheerleading them on to reinforce that the peaceful way is the only right action.

Meditation Reflection

Outbursts of the negative abound yet there are those such as you who work towards influencing a reshaping of outcomes and a refashioning if you like of a new reality on the Earth plane.  Remain therefore unconcerned with immediate outcomes and know that persistence and commitment to peaceful intentions has an on-going benefit - i.e. every little bit helps.

Let not the darkness cloud your energy, your purpose or path; nor should you feel guilt at comforts that you experience.  Live, love, laugh, and celebrate!  Let joy guide your demeanour in all things for each has much to be grateful for.  Take stock and count the ways in which you are fortunate and blessed.  Delve into the subtleties of your existence.  Doubt not the truth you know.  Live your knowing.
