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Steps Towards Peace in the Workplace


Currently there are many resources available that promote performance excellence in the workplace such as: skills-training for leaders, managers/supervisors, courses on emotional intelligence, effective communication, and the like.  Drawing and building on these resources individuals and organizations can supplement them with the following types of actions that reinforce peace in the workplace:

  • Self-study by reading about ego behaviour and more constructive responses.
  • Seeking training on how to listen and respond to others without reacting impetuously from a place of one’s personal triggers – i.e. responding without aggression, quick temperedness or other non-peaceful ways to resolving issues/differences.
  • Pursuing on-going annual professional development on ways to maintain/upgrade skills that support the practice of peace in the workplace.
  • Beginning the work day by reaffirming your intention to conduct yourself in a way that contributes to peace in the workplace.  One way to encourage this practice is to have a daily affirmation that you repeat to yourself at the start of the workday or that you bring to mind when in the midst of a stressful situation.  For example you might repeat to yourself something like, “I will listen and respond objectively”, “I will seek clarification in each situation before I respond”, “I will focus on communicating the behaviour I expect from others rather than lashing out”, or “I will not get hooked into other people’s negative behaviour”.
  • Practicing meditation with the intention to interact positively with others.  Even if five or ten minutes of a lunch or coffee break are devoted to such a focussed meditation it will, over time re-educate the ego! For those seeking information on meditation but don’t know where to start, begin by checking out the information available under the "Resources" tab of this website.  You could also make a trip to a library or bookstore where you will find many books available on the topic.  Another good place to get information on meditation is the internet where there are websites on the subject including videos that teach how to meditate. As well, if you are so inclined, search for a workshop on meditation in your community.
  • Organizations can include in their annual employee performance evaluations feedback on how well the employee contributes to peace/a positive environment in the workplace.
  • Organizations can identify a list of “elders” who demonstrate the desired behaviour and are willing to serve on a rotational basis as go-to mentors for guidance to employees who seek them out as an objective impartial ear to advise on how to handle a given situation.  (By serving on a rotational basis for a defined period of time, the idea is to motivate others to conduct themselves in such a way that they may be selected to be a mentor in future.)