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Sublimity: Pathways to Peace meditation

The Non-Duality of Existence

The more we evolve spiritually the more we understand that there is no such thing as experiences that are “good” versus “bad”.  They are all simply experiences.  It is our thinking that places a judgement on experiences labelling them as either desirable or undesirable.

Our challenge as we move along the continuum of spirituality is to expand our view of our reality from one of seeing all in terms of duality to non-duality.

Spiritually there are no opposites.  In the Illusion however, opposites exist so we can learn and grow.  Ultimately, we need to get to a place in our existence where we synthesis all opposites.

Focus of the Meditation

Reminding ourselves that ultimately, contradictions & divisions are created by our perception, they are illusions.

Meditation Reflection

In the linear reality dimension we hold to divisions and oppositions, to right and wrong.  Divisions are man-made.  Geographic boundaries, political parties, groups representing this versus that perspective, the focus on differences and distinctness of ethnicity, all are a product of the ego-mind.  They are driven by a deep seated need for individuality, illusions of superiority and self-propagation.

When you look at trees or clouds do you think to yourselves, “oh, this one is well formed and this one is ugly”?  No!  You take in Nature as it presents and have no need to judge it as pleasing or not.  There is room to practice the non-dual view of experiences.  Take it all in like clouds or trees so to speak.  Integrate experiences like all the colours in a prism collectively becoming one light – white light.  Appreciation of all that presents as part of the greater whole of a sacred experience is, the more balanced perspective.
