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Sublimity: Pathways to Peace meditation

Compassion for the Self
To truly be able to demonstrate compassion towards others we must first master the capacity to show ourselves compassion.  This may seem like a selfish view however, it is a first principle in just about every endeavour we strive for.  Take for instance love - without the ability to first love one’s self one cannot hope for another to do the same.  And so it is with compassion. The way in which we treat others is invariably a reflection of how we treat ourselves.  If you struggle with showing compassion towards others then most probably you have difficulty being compassionate towards yourself and you likely tend towards judging yourself harshly.

Focus for the Meditation
Select an interaction you have had with someone that has left you self-critical.  Then, go deep within to find the compassion for self regarding that encounter.  Observe the shifts that take place within you as you demonstrate compassion towards yourself.

Meditation Reflection

How then to reconcile the path of peace with conflicting emotions?  How to pursue self-compassion while internal warring of thoughts and emotions around fears, hurts, anger and distress reside within as responses to external stimuli?  Compassion in the face of adversity and disappointment can be a challenge. Yet to be gentle with the self is different than letting the self slide into complacency.  Acknowledge reactions and emotions, let them run their course.

Observe, observe, observe.  Allow reflection and meditation to guide responses rather than Ego.  If you cannot forgive the self for behaviour that falls short of your self-expectations can you forgive another?
